Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Long Time, No...Write?

My dear readers!  I'm terribly sorry for the recent hiatus in posting.  Here's a quick recap of what's been up and why I've been too busy to blog...

* Lots of babysitting!  Twice for my usual two boys, and once with EB for five awesome kiddos.
* My first time working an IMP Recital for the school, plus two major admissions events.
* Agatha Rex, the middle school play for which I was the stage manager, went up this past weekend.  The weekend before that we had a 36-hour slumber party at the school with the cast and tech crew.
* My friend's birthday party followed our second performance of the play.  'Nuff said.
* The Village School had two holiday concerts, one on the same day as opening night of Agatha Rex.  This was paired with a week and a half of nearly nonstop rehearsals.  (The good thing about having no time in my classroom?  Every time my kids see me, they greet me like I'm a rockstar.)

And now, what's on the horizon?

* Tonight I leave for Thanksgiving break in Taiwan!  EB and YC and I are checking out Taipei and Hualien.
* Over the next week and a half of school after that, I'll be back to living in the theatre nonstop as we rehearse and put up our middle and upper school concerts.
* Two more major admissions events -- one on the upcoming residential life program, one open house.
* Once I'm relatively free to get back into classrooms, I'll be rotating to work with Mr. H for the next trimester.  We're collaborating on a drama unit which I am SO excited for.  And we've designed this unit to have all three teachers work with all three classes, so I won't even have to miss my kiddos that much!
* In less than three weeks, I'll fly back to New England for two weeks with my college buds, then it's off to Hawaii for Christmas with the family!

Clearly, I am one busy lady.  But I promise, I have a few ideas for posts that I have been marinating on -- stay tuned and hopefully I can sneak in one or two before I fly back stateside for Christmas!

Currently reading:  The Book Thief and The Lightning Thief...no, I'm not a kleptomaniac
Current high:  so many exciting travel plans/schemes on the horizon...considering Abu Dhabi in February, Australia in March, Japan in May, and Eurotrip this summer?!
Current low:  sleepy...but at least I'll have my flight tonight to catch up on a few hours :)

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