Friday, November 21, 2014

Light in a Dark Space

This has been the hardest week I have had in a long time.  The MS play scheduled for last weekend was unexpectedly postponed to the middle of this week; the VS play tech was this week as well; two of the VS concerts finished off Friday; auditions for the CI musical were held throughout the week.  Not to mention continuing my regular teaching commitments, collaborative planning meetings, and fighting a nasty virus.  Of course, this is all fun and exciting stuff (except the virus) - but when it's happening all at once, it's a little much.

Despite the late nights, weekend hours, paint fumes, stress attacks, skipped meals, and intense frustration, a few gems have also made this one of the best weeks I've had.  Some highlights...

* Exchanging elementary school jokes with a music teacher during a concert rehearsal.
* An email from a MS student who we struggled with in last year's play.  This year she was a joy, and she emailed SW and me a short but sweet and sincere thank you.
* Having a heartfelt moment with a new K student who told me he was worried to come into class because he has never done drama before.  He had a great day :)
* Coming in for the afternoon of a half sick day to find a just-because card from one of my first graders who LOVES drama.
* Playing with a new PK student, who told me my nose stud is an indication that "Zombies killed [my] nose."
* Dinner with two of my dearest friends!
* An amazingly fun Open House - going on a bear hunt with prospective PK students and parents, and playing drama games with G3 prospies.

And to top it all off - my dad arrives in Korea in just a couple hours :)

Currently reading:  PS Be Eleven by Rita Williams Garcia
Current high:  T-80 minutes to Dad's arrival!
Current low:  haven't quite kicked the virus yet...soon, soon :)

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