Friday, August 2, 2013


Well, I am officially in South Korea!  I promise a real post as soon as the school issues me my laptop -- composing and adding photos is MUCH easier with a full keyboard, trackpad, etc. :) In the meantime, here are some things for which I am incredibly grateful right now:

* My family.  Skyped with all of them in the last 24 hours and it was wonderful.
* My iPad and iPhone.  I felt so much better knowing that I was able to connect with my loved ones so quickly and easily and through so many awesome apps.  (My faves:  Snapchat and Viber!)  On that note...
* WiFi.  I arrived in my apartment to find it already up and running, and free wireless internet abounds everywhere I've been so far.
* My boss (Mrs. W), to whom I already feel quite close.  She's an old colleague of my father's and has told me in no uncertain terms to call or come over (2 floors up) if I need anything!  She was also quick to show me her favorite microwaveable Thai dinners at eMart, which I can't wait to try.
* My fellow new hires.  A quick sample:  I've met most of the other "singles" and we shared joy over our lovely apartments.  My next door neighbors have three adorable children and both teach in the primary grades.  Good life :)
* My apartment.  It is truly a thing of beauty.  I am all settled into the gorgeous master suite, and for the moment, have no roommates!  Not sure how long that will last (possibly until December?) but it's been great to settle into my space.
* The "essentials" the school put in our apartments.  Highlights include a bottle of Shiraz, Rice Krispie treats, a tote bag, a travel mug, orange juice, bagels and cream cheese, and a canned coffee drink.  Bless.
* My new immersion blender.  It came with a food processor attachment and a whisk attachment and was 30% off.  I think I'm in love.  Thank you, salesperson at eMart :)
* Of course, my friends.  I don't think I've ever accrued this many Facebook likes this quickly in my LIFE.  And lots of lovely Snapchats, notably one darling one from LT!  I so deeply appreciate the support of all those around me as I start this exciting new journey, and I'd love to chat with folks on Skype as I continue to settle in.
* Update/addendum to the above -- texting with EE just like we used to at all hours of the day and night.  It made life feel totally normal and okay for a few minutes.

It's about 1:30pm for me right now, and nothing's planned until Korean BBQ dinner at 6pm.  For now, I think I'll unpack a little more, have a quick lunch, and wile away the rest of the afternoon with reading and napping!  More soon!

Currently reading:  halfway through The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer
Current high:  too many to choose from!
Current low:  my body's confusion over what time it is...

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