My first thought as I explored these locations: what a great way to teach vocabulary! Instead of holding up a picture of a banana or a beer, have them interact with the objects in a virtual setting. A group scavenger hunt in one of these environments could be a really fun way to learn some new language.

Better yet, students can even practice conversations for these locales in a low-pressure scenario that mimics real life. Using speech or chat, learners can rehearse basic exchanges with cashiers, servers, and more. I discovered an exercise like this was already built into the Learn It Town hotel, as well as vocabulary in the tapas bar.
I love the possibilities available in locations as simple as a bus stop or "The Gad," everyone's favourite clothing store! As a drama teacher, I believe in giving students a low-pressure first attempt at what could be a nerve-wracking situation. I think this could be a great and authentic way to rehearse conversation skills.
Currently reading: a perusal copy of our school's winter musical!
Current high: G10 drama kiddos rocking their auditions today
Current low: hearing "why are you so gay?" come out of a student's mouth this afternoon
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